Spiritually Awakening Made Me More Confident

Jonathan Sosa
4 min readJun 30, 2022
Photo by Robert Koorenny on Unsplash

At first, I wasn’t going to publish this because I felt quite vulnerable. But then I realized, that’s the point. As you read this, see if you can relate. If you do, let me know!

I know that a spiritual awakening makes someone confident because it happened to me. Now I think it’s happening to my mom and I can see how its amplifying parts of her that make her more confident.

When I first even realized I was going through a spiritual awakening, I didn’t intentionally set out to become more confident.

It sorta just… happened.

So I want to tell you how you’re becoming more confident as you’re going through your spiritual awakening (which I’m assuming you probably are if you’re reading this article).

Spiritual growth means confidence

Over the past couple of years, my spiritual journey has been a rollercoaster of ups and downs.

I won’t write about the downs because even if it’s considered a down, it’s still an up because I learned something valuable from it. A win-win.

Photo by Meg Boulden on Unsplash

But an AMAZING win for me was developing more confidence.

I became more confident that:

  • I attract what my thoughts are and how I am feeling
  • I can create any reality that I want simply because I was given the power of consciousness
  • I get to decide what happens in my life, not anything or anyone else
  • The only moment that exists is now
  • So much more, but I want to hear from you, too!

Why did I become more confident on this journey?

When I felt that I was becoming more confident throughout this journey, I then decided to intentionally work on growing my confidence even more.

Here’s why:

  • I wanted to give back to others from a place of authenticity, which I could do if I was a bit more confident. This has allowed me to post content that I love and that adds value to people’s lives.
  • I wanted to be free. Free of why I would ever care if someone called me weird for posting uplifting, spiritual content on the internet. Free of my intrusive thoughts thinking that everyone was judging me. Free of my fears.
  • I wanted to experience everything to the fullest. Being confident would allow me to get myself out of my comfort zone and experience everything that I hadn’t yet. I hadn’t yet because I cared too much about how I looked while I was trying to do so. Being confident also allowed me to live in the now more.
Photo by Hans Eiskonen on Unsplash

I wasn’t the victim anymore

The reason spiritual growth makes you more confident is because you realize that you aren’t the victim anymore.

You also realize that everyone is wondering about what others are thinking about them and that they aren’t actually thinking about you.

This realization allows you to ease your nerves from the “what are they saying about me?” and it frees up some energy for you to do the things you actually enjoy.

Photo by Naassom Azevedo on Unsplash

I remember one time I really wanted to wear this outfit when I was in high school. It felt really good to buy it at the store and bring it home.

The next morning I wake up and all of a sudden, I felt self-conscious about wearing the outfit because I was worried about what others would say. I didn’t even know why I was feeling self-conscious and that’s because I couldn’t admit to myself that I was looking for external validation.

I think now if that same thing were to happen, I would snap out of it and realize that by me wearing the outfit, even if it makes me slightly uncomfortable at first, I’ll have some major learning moments if I pull through.

Benefits such as:

  • Being proud of myself for actually wearing something that makes me happy
  • Strengthening my muscle of confidence

I hope this article helped you realize that if you’re on your spiritual journey, congratulations because you’re also becoming more confident at the same time.

You’re growing in areas that you never knew you were growing in.

You’re adopting this ease about life that everything should and will work out for you.

Happy ascending! Love you.

Photo by Jametlene Reskp on Unsplash

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Jonathan Sosa

Premed student balancing writing online and filming. Call me Jonny. Here's my substack: https://substack.com/@jonathansosa