Procrastination Is Not Bad… Here’s Why

Jonathan Sosa
4 min readJul 9, 2022
Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash

I was going to make this a really complex article, but the truth is that most things are overcomplicated nowadays. Simplicity is my goal with everything, so i’ll get right to the point.

So, procrastination is not a bad thing. I’ll explain.

Google said that the definition of procrastination is “the action of delaying or postponing something”. As you can see, there’s no implied negative meaning to this word.

Why does everyone interpret procrastination as a negative thing?

Instead, can we view procrastination as a mode of redirection?

Procrastination vs Intuition

I strongly believe that if I’m procrastinating at something, it’s because my intuition is leading me to something else.

If i’m procrastinating at something, I’ll take that as a sign that what I’m doing at that moment is not what I should be doing at that moment.

Here’s the thing: divine timing and intuition are best friends.

If you practice listening to your intuition and actually follow it, you’ll be in this flow state of being at the right place at the right time.

Let’s say you’re supposed to be working on a project but you keep procrastinating by looking at your phone and scrolling through TikTok. You’re conscious of this and you keep beating yourself up like “ugh, I never get things done”.

Could it just be that your intuition is leading you to scroll through TikTok so that you could find some inspiration for the project you’re supposed to be working on?

When you find yourself procrastinating, look at the big picture and don’t criticize yourself so harshly. Ask yourself stuff like:

  • Why am I procrastinating? But don’t just say “because I’m lazy”. Allow yourself to answer from the bottom of your heart and be as detailed as possible.
  • What do I need right now? Maybe you just aren’t ready to start that big project until you’re fully ready.
  • How is procrastination helping me? Because again, procrastination isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
Photo by Harry Quan on Unsplash

How to be aligned with your intuition

  1. Listen to those nudges. Your intuition will plant a seed within you and you decide if you follow it or not. For example, it’ll say “turn left” when you usually turn right at an intersection. Who knows? Maybe you might meet the love of your life somehow by turning left.
  2. Do what feels good. Our inner being, which is perfectly aligned with intuition, likes to immerse itself in good-feeling things. You can’t change my mind that deep down to our core, we are beings full of pure love and light. To access that love and light, we have to do things that feel good.
  3. Protect yourself from low-vibrational things. Kind of just the opposite from the previous one but I just wanted to reframe in a different way since we all have different ways of thinking about stuff.
  4. Love yourself. There’s a direct correlation between how aligned your intuition is with how much you love yourself. When you love yourself, you are going to listen to those nudges, do things that feel good, and protect yourself from low-vibrational things. Cause why wouldn’t you if you love yourself?

No one can change my mind about how I think that we all come to Earth to have a blast! Like why not!?

Why do we think life is supposed to be so hard? Just let go!

Let go of that false idea that you have to travel upstream to get the things you want. Be free. Date who you want. Make as much money as you want. Buy that car. Live in that city. We come here to experience as much as we possibly can and to have fun while we do that.

But for some reason, when talking about being happy, people always want to talk about the opposite.

For example, “Yes, we should be happy but we also have to deal with all of our problems”.

Deal with your problems, fine, but stop making your problems something that you always have to consider when you talk about being happy.

It’s not toxic positivity. It’s willingly choosing to exercise the right that you have as a spiritual being to have as much fun as possible on Earth, regardless of your problems.

Just because you have difficult things to deal with doesn’t mean that should take away from the potential of living a gorgeous life based on your terms.

Let’s be in sync with our higher selves.

Check out my YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, coaching, merchandise or buy me a coffee by clicking here! I write articles about spirituality, mindfulness, and authenticity. Let’s create the life we desire, together!



Jonathan Sosa

Premed student balancing writing online and filming. Call me Jonny. Here's my substack: