Maintaining a High-Vibration the Non-Toxic Way

Jonathan Sosa
4 min readJul 6, 2022
Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

I LOVE talking about how to dismantle those little weak, spineless negative thoughts or vibrations. So here’s an article about it. This is gold, ladies and gents. Focus.

We all like to feel good and positive. I mean, duh, right? Well, when I first started my spiritual journey nearly 3 years ago, I was in this constant unbothered and high-vibe state. No seriously! Nothing could bother me.

At least I thought… Things were bothering me, but only because I hadn’t yet dealt with my limiting beliefs and trauma. So yes, it was toxic positivity that I was engaged in.

To be fair, I didn’t even know that toxic positivity was a thing so I didn’t know how to stop engaging with it!

But I want to make something clear before I continue. It’s only called toxic positivity if you aren’t dealing with your trauma and limiting beliefs at the same time.

Other than that, there is no issue with wanting to feel *up there* all the time as long as there’s nothing majorly “toxic” (e.g., limiting beliefs, trauma) within you.

So in this article I’m going to describe two systems I’ve come up with to deal with negative vibrational thoughts in order to maintain a high-vibration about 95% of the time.

Photo by Rebe Pascual on Unsplash

2 systems

System #1: Question the low-vibrational thoughts

Whenever you have a thought that isn’t serving you or your highest good, I want you to question it. Yes, literally talk to it and ask it questions.

Ask that low-vibrational thought stuff like:

  • “Are you sure you know what you’re talking about?”
  • “What do you know about that?”
  • “What are you even talking about?”
  • “How are you even sure about that?”

No, you’re not crazy if you talk to yourself. You’re actually intelligent as heck for doing so because you’re aware enough to even spot such vibrations in the first place!

The reason you want to do this is because when you question something, you’re doubting it. As a result, you inevitably decrease the trueness of that low-vibrational thought.

But when you ask it questions, don’t ask from a place of frustration or anger. That would be giving it power. Instead, ask the questions in a calm, relaxed manner.

Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash

System #2: Slightly steer away from the low-vibrational thoughts

The keyword here is slightly. I can best explain this with an example.

Let’s say you’re writing an article about a topic that isn’t really that familiar to you. As a result, you start getting thoughts like “you’re not smart enough to write about this” or “this article is going to suck, write about something else loser!”.

Seatbelts on! Time to steer!

You slightly steer away by (1) finding a better-feeling thought and by (2) agreeing with the negative thought, but not too much.

(1) Find a better-feeling thought, but slightly.

  • This one is inspired by *drumroll please*… Abraham Hicks! For example, respond like this to thoughts that tell you that your article is going to suck:

“My past 5 articles haven’t sucked, so I’m pretty sure this one is going to do great, too”.

This makes you feel better (and thus do better) because it’s true that if your previous articles are good, then the one you’re writing might be good, too. It’s all about believing in yourself people.

(2) You agree with the negative thought, but slightly.

For example, “Yeah, it might not be my best article, but i’m becoming a better writer by getting out of my comfort zone.”

By slightly agreeing with the negative thought, you’re not adding resistance to it. But you’re still disassociating from it by proving why its reasoning is wrong.

It’s kind of like when someone criticizes another person and you respond like “Well, I think their outfit looks great!”. The person doing the criticizing then feels silly.

Same thing with the negative thought.

You slightly contradict what it’s saying by gracefully telling it your reasoning (which is always better because why would you willingly prove yourself wrong to a negative thought?).

Photo by Nathan Lindahl on Unsplash

Don’t be hard on yourself

Negative thoughts come up more than once but what’s important is that you’re consistent with using these systems to slowly diminish those thoughts from your mind.

It’s important to know that when you have negative thoughts come up, they’re coming up for a reason. By acknowledging low-vibrations, you actually strengthen your muscle for maintaining a high-vibration in the long run.

This is because you are giving the baby (the negative thought) its milk (your attention), which is what it needs so that it stops crying (stops triggering you).

I hope this article helps. Show some love if it did!

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Jonathan Sosa

Premed student balancing writing online and filming. Call me Jonny. Here's my substack: