Lets Brainstorm Ways We Can Build Something That Lasts Online

Jonathan Sosa
7 min readDec 25, 2023

It’s difficult to ignore what people online say about how to become a successful writer or solopreneur. You read 888 articles about how to start and then you get overwhelmed, right

I understand your “struggle”. Which it isn’t even a struggle, but that’s for another day. The point is, you want to know how you can build a loyal audience, add value, and make some great money so you can have a life on your own terms.

And let me guess, you don’t want to do it the fast way?

You don’t want to even click on a guide that says 2-hour-money-maker, because you don’t want to learn quick money — you want to learn how to powerfully build something even if it takes months to start seeing some substantial income and cool results.


Getting there requires patience though, and the ability to just stick it out plain and simple.

I want to share how I thought I had to build online before and how I think something lasting can be built (with examples).

This article is for those who believe in themselves enough to work on becoming an entrepreneur in the most holistic way possible, which is the best type to be.

In other words, i’m not including a guide or listicle about how to make X-amount of money in Y-time. This is mainly advice about how to fundamentally think about things, because the internal approaches are just as important as any specific…

