Don’t Give Up, It’s About To Manifest!

Jonathan Sosa
4 min readJul 4, 2022

I’m really excited to talk about this because it feels like I’ve cracked a code.

By cracked a code, I mean I just figured out another way to think about manifestation from a higher level of consciousness.

Ok listen. When you find yourself about to give up on manifesting something, that’s usually when it manifests.


Because you’ve developed the whatever mindset.

Photo by La-Rel Easter on Unsplash

This mindset is synonymous to letting go of any resistance towards a manifestation. Resistance is added to a manifestation when you try to figure out when or how it’s going to manifest.

By trying to figure out the when or how, you’re giving off a signal to the universe that you’re impatient.

Being impatient means you don’t trust that the universe is going to deliver it to you in divine timing.

So the way to seduce the universe is by not caring about when or how something is going to manifest in your life. That’s what really revs up the engines for the universe!

Developing the whatever mindset is what finally cuts off all that resistance you were adding before you read this article (or maybe you’re a manifestation wizard and you didn’t have such a problem).

Don’t get me wrong, I know what it’s like to care a lot about something. Especially if you know it’s going to add a lot of value to your life by you having it in your life.

But sometimes, caring so much just psychs us out and it distracts us from even being able to receive the manifestation in the first place.

Think about it. If you’re too busy worrying about when or how, how will you be able to see the opportunity to take it when it comes up if you’re not in the receptive mode?


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

I remember when I wanted to reach 10,000 followers on TikTok so badly. But I just couldn’t get myself to reach that amount of followers for some reason.

I was putting in the hours, interacting with my platform, and posting 3–5 videos daily!

I was doing everything to satisfy the darn algorithm!

I even set clear intentions as to why I even wanted 10,000 followers in the first place!

But I came to realize that I was adding resistance to attracting this amount of followers by caring too much about the whole thing.

Then one day, I just stopped caring and said “whatever”. Later on in the day, I posted a video, which I also filmed with the same attitude of “whatever”.

Since I had this mindset while filming that video, I was able to be my most authentic self on camera.

That video went viral and it helped me reach around 14,000 followers; way more than what I asked for!

So the important points are:

  • Don’t care too much
  • Be your authentic self
  • Don’t worry about the how or when

As a collective, we’re on the same boat

Photo by Motoki Tonn on Unsplash

I’m starting to get more into astrology. The more I do, the more I can see the correlation it has with the circumstances that happen in my life (and in my manifestations).

That being said, July 2022 is a huge month when it comes to manifestations coming true. For all of us.

This is what we should all keep track of this month:

  • Our energy/vibrations
  • The clarity of our manifestations
  • Our relationships with others and their impact on our lives (and therefore, manifestations)
  • Routines that serve our highest self

The more you work on yourself, the more you’ll get in return.

Working on your self-love will attract more love into your life. Working on your worthiness around money will attract more financial freedom into your life. Etc.

I hope this article helped you understand that when it comes to manifesting, it’s really just about not caring so much about it happening. Otherwise, you’ll add resistance.

You can absolutely manifest anything that you want as long as you develop this mindset of “whatever”. Next thing you know, that manifestation will be as real as this article is.

Love you.

Check out my YouTube channel, TikTok, Instagram, coaching, merchandise or buy me a coffee by clicking here! I write articles about spirituality, manifestation, and mindfulness. Let’s create the life we desire because we were gifted the power to do so.



Jonathan Sosa

Premed student balancing writing online and filming. Call me Jonny. Here's my substack: