Deciding To Finally Take Ice Skating Seriously Just Revamped My Writing Engine

Jonathan Sosa
8 min readDec 22, 2023

Writing this 2 days after I busted my butt. Haven’t eaten in 3 days, minimal water, stable shelter for now. Help.

Just kidding.

But I did bust my butt ice skating. I know that in a past life, I was definitely either a race car driver, a fighter jet pilot, or something else involving high velocities. Maybe I say that cause I just took my Porsche down the highway at 140 mph. Kidding again. But I will be buying me a Porsche soon, mark my words.

I mean look at how sexy this 911 turbo is.

Back to the article. Going ice skating a couple days ago gave me all of these downloads from God. I was pumped, energized as the wind flowed through my curls. I felt like a damn Porsche cruising on a straight road that goes on for miles.

I asked myself what would happen if I gave this race track one last good race (meaning writing again), and I started to skate faster. I felt invigorated at the thought of getting serious about building something online.

And I locked in.

That’s exactly how I knew I was supposed to write again. Listen to how your body reacts when you think about giving something another shot or giving it a shot at all.

