3 Valuable Reasons to Surrender in Life

Jonathan Sosa
3 min readAug 16, 2022

When most people think of surrendering in their life, they think of defeat or giving up. However, surrendering is none of those things.

In this article, I’ll explain how surrendering is the key to living an abundant, fulfilling life.

P.S. I won’t overcomplicate things in case you’re new to the concept of surrendering.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Reason #1: Surrendering releases resistance to your dreams/desires/goals/whatever you

Surrendering is synonymous to yielding (Google said it, not me).

When you surrender, or yield, you are not pushing against something. You’re actually going with the flow of things. The universe rewards those that accept the flow, not resist it.

That’s why in Jiu Jitsu, the concept of flow is emphasized with going with the opponents attack rather than directly against it.

So the next time you find yourself trying to force certain outcomes, remind yourself to surrender so that the universe can bring to you the results you want (or even better results than you imagined).

Reason #2: Surrendering puts a halt to overthinking

When you surrender, your mind doesn’t do a complete stop, but it does slow down significantly.

The thing is when you’re trying to force outcomes, your mind is in fight or flight mode trying to come up with a million different ways of how it has to generate those outcomes.

Then, the mind self-sabotages itself by disregarding all of those ideas as “not good enough”, forcing you to keep overthinking and hoping that you land the “perfect” idea to generate your desired outcomes.

P.S. there is no such thing as the perfect idea to generate the outcomes you want. You just have to take inspired action without obsessing over the fruits of your labor.

Photo by Arun Clarke on Unsplash

Reason #3: Surrendering puts you in the flow of divine timing

When you surrender, you allow yourself to co-create with the universe or God. This is because surrendering, again, releases resistance and therefore you’re more aware of the opportunities that were once staring you right in the face since you aren’t obsessing.

Divine timing is when you’re at the right place at the right time.

But YOU yourself with your mind and 3D logic cannot put yourself in the right place at the right time.

In my opinion, only the universe can do that because the universe knows exactly what is best for you.

Do what feels good

Whatever you want to do in life, make sure that you enjoy it. Don’t get stuck doing something you don’t want to do just to please people you don’t like.

Get out. It’s time to get out of the rat race. Indulge in your soul’s desires by taking action that inspires you and doesn’t make you shrink.

Of course, this is probably stuff you’ve heard of before, but that does not make what i’m saying any less true.

Do it for YOU, not for them.

Check out my YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, or buy me a coffee here! I write articles about mindfulness, authenticity and lifestyle. Join me in becoming our truest, most authentic selves.



Jonathan Sosa

Premed student balancing writing online and filming. Call me Jonny. Here's my substack: https://substack.com/@jonathansosa