3 Reasons You’ll Have Your Dream Life

Jonathan Sosa
5 min readJun 18, 2022

I want to get straight to the point. But before I do that, let me just set the stage. I know there are so many other lovely articles you are dying to read, but I know you will find value in this one. So read the entire piece with as much presence as possible. I just know you’re going to love this.

The reasons that I am going to provide to you are some that I have come to realize over the course of three years since the beginning of my spiritual journey.

My spiritual journey, just like anyone else’s, has been a rollercoaster in every sense. I haven’t really shared any of these realizations on other platforms that I post on, so you’re lucky to get these first before anyone else. By the way, these are just my beliefs. Okay, okay, as I promised I will get straight to the point.

Reason 1: I came to this planet to create

There’s no doubt in my mind that we are magical beings. We are more than this human body and I know that with every cell in my body and every ounce of my spirit.

Millions in the world (perhaps billions?) have not yet realized the power of their creativity. Everyone is creative no matter what.

The reason many people don’t think they’re creative is because they compare their creativity to others that are really good at drawing, painting, producing music, etc. My friends… do not compare your creativity to other people who are obviously labeled as being “really good creators”. That is just a one-way ticket to self-doubt.

Of course you can derive inspiration from others. But when the mind starts chattering like, “I will never be as good as them”, realize that you are your own unique and powerful self.

Instead, listen to your intuition. I have to bold this word because I feel like it’s massively important. Your intuition is your best friend. If you really feel called to create something (whether that be physically or not), then create it!

I’m a firm believer that the reason we get these impulses of intuition is because the universe (or God, or any other name you want to use) is guiding us to our highest version of our selves.

Just because you tremble at the thought of picking up a paintbrush or microphone doesn’t mean you aren’t creative. In fact, it’s amazing that you know you can’t draw or sing — that will just re-route you to other creative abilities that you do have.

I think to express your creative side is truly a magical thing that every human being has the ability to do. So figure out what it is that you’re good at creating. But don’t force this process.

If you came to this planet to create, doesn’t it make sense that you also came to this planet to create your dream life?

Reason 2: I am always creating, whether I realize it or not

Have you ever thought of a certain person and they randomly text you?

Maybe it wasn’t random or a coincidence after all.

That’s because you attracted the outcome of that person reaching out to you. Or by you thinking of that person, you triggered something within their intuition that led them to want to reach out to you.

This same concept applies to the rest of our lives. We are always creating things.

Another example is you wake up in the morning in the jolliest of moods. As a result, the rest of your day goes just as well. If not, even better.

Well that’s because since you woke up in a good mood, the momentum of your positive vibrations just kept attracting other forms of evidence in your life to support the fact that you are in a great mood!

If you wake up upset, you will keep triggering thoughts that will support why you’re upset. As a result, there will be evidence in your life that will prove why you are in fact not feeling too well.

We create our life with our emotions (vibrations) and thoughts (which can trigger certain vibrations within us).

With this knowledge, now you know that it’s no longer an uphill battle and that you can use the power of your vibrations so that you can attract the life that you want. And you will.

Reason 3: I have desires for a reason, because they’re meant for me

This one is short and simple. The reason you have these desires in the first place is because you were meant to have them fulfilled in your reality.

This relates to intuition because your intuition leads you to believe that by attracting these desires in your life, it will be a really good thing for you.

And it’s true! The universe wants you to have these desires fulfilled simply because you are meant to have them.

A young woman meditating by a Lake.

So, let the fact that you have desires in the first place be confirmation that you are going to have the life of your dreams. The life of you dreams that consist of these desires.

So to create your dream life, tend to your vibrations. What vibrations are you putting out that either serve or do a disservice to your life. If you want a life full of joy, then be joyful. If you want an abundant life, feel abundant. We are always creating with the emotions/vibrations that we send out to the universe.



Jonathan Sosa

Premed student balancing writing online and filming. Call me Jonny. Here's my substack: https://substack.com/@jonathansosa