3 Reasons To Embrace Being Cringey

Jonathan Sosa
3 min readJul 16, 2022

It’s probably one of the most exhausting things in the world to be your unauthentic self. Not to mention, it’s literally pointless. You will never truly be happy if you’re trying to fulfill what society has made you to think is the “right” way to be.

So if you want to be fulfilled, it’s simple: just be your authentic self, whether or not that makes other people cringe!

I’ll tell you exactly why being cringey is the ticket to your success, no matter what you interpret success to be for you.

Reason #1: Being cringe attracts authenticity, which attracts like-minded people

Photo by Kimson Doan on Unsplash

The moment you accept that there will be times that you might come off as cringey to others is the same moment that your authentic self begins to emerge.

Like attracts like. So if you’re being cringey while doing what you love, you will also attract others who are doing the same. These people will value your courage and further add value to your life.

As a result, if you’re surrounded by people who have similar values as you, you’re most likely to keep growing in that direction and you’ll keep becoming more and more authentic.

There’s one very successful day that you’re able to have in your life (out of the many other you’ll have): the day you finally realize that you are all in on this journey to becoming your authentic self.

But like all journeys, there are difficult things you have to get through along the way. However, you will have attracted like-minded people that will support you on your path.

Do you rather live a dull life trying to fulfill everyone’s expectations about you or a vibrant, exciting, fulfilling life doing what you truly love? The choice is obvious. If you want that vibrant and successful life, start embodying your authentic self, even if that makes you seem cringey to others.

Reason #2: Being cringe attracts authenticity, which attracts opportunities

You start to stand out of the crowd when you embody your authentic side.

And when you stand out, you naturally attract opportunities.

Depending on what you do, people will find you for doing what you love in a completely different way that hasn’t been done before.

There isn’t anyone else like you. Maybe similar, but not exactly like you. And this is what opportunities (whatever those might be for you) are looking for. Opportunities will find you when you start to embody your real side.

For example, if you’re wanting to become famous, do you really think it will happen by trying to fit in and not embrace your authentic side?

I mean, take Lady gaga for instance. Who was she trying to fit in with when she wore her meat dress in 2010? Nobody. She probably knew others were going to cringe at it. Even though she was already famous, I’m sure that the meat dress got more eyes on her.

Reason #3: Being cringe attracts authenticity, which attracts peace

Photo by Héctor J. Rivas on Unsplash

When you’re being authentic, it’s a very freeing thing.

Think about it. When you’re trying to fit in (so that you won’t make others cringe), isn’t it exhausting to figure out how you’re going to have to do all that? You have to get everything right so that you can be the same as everyone else.

When embracing authenticity, though, you naturally allow yourself to create anything you want with no limits because now you don’t have a “to-do list” for how you’re going to please everyone.

You have to understand that feeling cringe is like feeling any other emotion. Just like how you’ll make people feel happy or sad, you’ll also make them cringe, too. It’s just a part of life.

Are you waiting for cringey-ness to stop being a thing so that you can finally start doing what you love? If you are, then don’t expect to start any time soon.

That being said, cringe away!

Check out my YouTube channel, TikTok, or buy me a coffee by clicking here! I write articles about spirituality, mindfulness, and authenticity. Let’s create the life we desire!



Jonathan Sosa

Premed student balancing writing online and filming. Call me Jonny. Here's my substack: https://substack.com/@jonathansosa